16 October 2006

to someone i care about--

breathe in.
look around.
you are living. you are okay.
i know its hard, i know its hard to continue on. because you centered your life around that one person.
you allowed them inside and you opened yourself up for it.
you ignored and pushed away every instinct to close yourself up, don't let down those walls
but you did. you did.
and look where it has you?

but life will go on. you will love again.
just because she isnt the one, doesnt mean none of them are.
shes not worth your time. shes not worth what you invested.
she didnt care.
she doesnt care.
if she does care, is it the truth?

its not what you expected. im sorry.
youll give your heart and take it back
but it wont be the same.
its not the same.
your time is gone, but its okay.
you have memories.

she will be okay.
you will be okay.
it takes time and rememberance, at the same time you need to forget.
find a soundtrack, listen to it, cry to it, live to it.
then throw it away.

youll live.
youll love.
youll breathe.
and youll care.

things will be okay.
give it time.
i promise.

1 comment:

mark said...

louise. thanks.
so much.
you're the best.

you're worth my time.
