i can see but i've lost my sight
man, did i used to write.
and why ever, EVER, did i stop? when i didnt have a muse, i could write and write and write. and now that i have one, nothing.
maybe i'm just the type of person that needs something 'tragic' to get in the way? maybe the lack of unhappiness in my life is settling into something that my mind is forcing to take form as career?
regardless, i am disappointed in myself for the lack of posts about a certain someone. about someone who has drastically changed my life. about someone who's smile i long for. the longer i go without seeing it, the more i feel i die inside.
you know, you complete me. as tacky and cliche as that sounds, it's okay. because its true. your skin on mine.. it's perfect. the way we fit together just so, it's wonderful. you're a tiny miracle, a daily reminder that life can be incredible.
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